“Manju” (Mist) by the prominent Malayalam Novelist M. T. Vasudevan Nair is a compelling novel that unfolds in the serene mountains and valleys of Nainital, providing a unique backdrop to the narrative. The story centers around Vimala Devi, a school teacher in a boarding school, whose life is encapsulated by solitude amidst her family. The novel, characterized by minimal characters and conversations, delves into Vimala’s world as she awaits the dissipation of the metaphorical winter of her discontent.
One of the distinctive features of “Manju” is its eco-feminist theme, exploring the dynamics of patriarchal domination and exploitation. This stands out as MT’s only novel with a female protagonist, offering a refreshing perspective on the complexities of gender roles. The popular author M. T. Vasudevan Nair masterfully weaves a narrative that brings forth the internal conflicts faced by Vimala against the backdrop of the “Valluvanadan” village, a departure from MT’s usual settings.
Beyond the literary realm, MT Vasudevan Nair extended his creative vision to cinema by directing and scripting a film adaptation of “Manju” in 1983. The film, featuring Sangeeta Naik, Sankar Mohan, Sankara Pillai, and Nanditha Bose, brought the essence of the novel to the visual medium. Additionally, there is a Hindi-language film adaptation titled “Sharad Sandhya,” although it went largely unnoticed.
“Manju” is a testament to MT Vasudevan Nair’s literary prowess, exploring profound themes with finesse. The novel’s evocative portrayal of Vimala’s solitude and the socio-cultural nuances makes it a timeless piece that resonates with readers and cinema enthusiasts of Kerala State in India. – WILLIAMSJI MAVELI.