Sunday, February 9, 2025

Lets make maths interesting

In simple words, Math is the study of numbers and how they are related to each other and to the real world. However to many children, ‘Math’ is a 4 letter word that evokes emotions like dislike, anxiety and fear. It becomes a major block for children with math phobia to go in for challenging disciplines later in life. Today’s dynamic young minds need innovative and non-conventional techniques of teaching that will captivate and motivate them towards greater learning. Hence, the onus is on the education providers to help the children understand the basic concepts of Math right from the beginning in an interesting and innovative manner. This will help enrich their learning experience to a very great extent. These few steps given below can really make Math interesting:

1. Going from the known to the unknown using examples and experiences.

2. Giving concrete ideas for each topic by using teaching aids appropriate for

different levels.

3. Relating it to the child’s own experiences in his day- to-day activities. eg:

going shopping where the child pays for the purchases and collects the


4. Breaking complicated problems into smaller and simpler steps.

5. Involving the child in math games, puzzles and apps to make it a fun


6. Reinforcement eg: the concept of fractions can be reinforced through

slicing and sharing of pizza.

All these will boost up a child’s confidence and self-esteem. It will enable kids

to explore and investigate and thereby sharpen their thinking skills. This in turn

will bring about a change in both attitude and performance.

So let us motivate our children with extra effort, love and support and tell

them that they are “champions”.

Some Tips for Students

On Completing An Assignment Effectively

 Firstly, make sure that you are determined to complete your assignment in the time that is

remaining with you, without worrying about the time that is lost already.

 Make a list of all the materials required, for example books, papers, reference materials etc.

 Pick out a time and place when and where you are least likely to be disturbed by anyone you

feel obligated to not refuse.

 Be determined to firmly refuse distractions you feel are unnecessary.

 Doing the work with your group of classmates can make you do it fast and tasks can be

divided among group members.

 To make your assignment different from others you need to speak with each other in order

to get ideas different from them.

 Doing individual work sitting at the same place with your group makes you less likely to be

disturbed or distracted.

Memory Tips

It is a matter of general experience that we remember what we pay attention to. The attention span

of a person has a great impact on the brain and the amount of retention depends directly on the

intensity of attention or focus paid over time. In other words, increased concentration leads to

increased retention of the object in the memory.

Following are some exercises that can help improve concentration and memory:

1. Colouring – Draw a circle and try to colour it with a colour pencil, crayon or sketch pen as

fast as you can. The condition is that, colour should remain inside the boundary of the circle

and not scatter outside it.

2. Creating Word Pictures – Imagine a word spelling in your mind and try to find other words

that have the same two first letters or the same two last letters as that word. Do it without

pen and paper at first. After finding at least ten words, try to recall them and write them

down in as minimal time as possible. Repeat and aim at making more lists in the same time


3. Physical Exertion – Playing sports like badminton, basketball etc. increases the blood flow

inside the brain. Proper blood circulation results in more oxygen supply to the brain cells and

helps in sustaining concentration, focus and increases retention power.

Leu Antony

Educator, Mathematical Mentor

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